Monday, May 12, 2014

In class blog 5/12 Zeitoun

   Hello once again it is me James writing a class blog about Zeitoun and how i can use certain passages from the book into my final essay.  The goal of this assignment is to explain the most important lesson we should take from Zeitoun's experience as we think through future climate catastrophes.  Some questions that will be ask are, how does the book Zeitoun change the way we should think about future disasters? What do we learn from the text about how New Yorkers should prepare themselves personally, emotionally, and financially?  We see many examples of this throughout the book. From the beginning before the storm to see things Zeitoun and his family could have prevent things or prepare to to after math to learn from Zeitoun experience and mistakes.
     One example of this is in the beginning of the book when Kathy ask "You hear about the winds? It killed three in Florida so far" and Zeitoun just ignored his wife knowing the information about Hurricane Sandy was arriving (22).  We can compare this to the average citizen in New York because as a fellow New Yorker we are not use to natural disasters and can be stubborn in result ignoring very important signs.  This one passage in the book is a key element for the eassy because it open the door to so many things.

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